Salobreña Election Results

The Mayor’s party, the PSOE, again won the elections, but with a 9% loss in votes compared to 2009. The PP chief opposition party lost a greater percentage of votes amounting to nearly 14%, however.

All along the coast, all through the province and on a national level, too, the PSOE and PP, until now unrivalled major parties, have been hit below the waterline by citizen discontent.

In third position was IU, or IULV-CA, to give them their full title as they are a coalition. This left-wing formation doubled its vote percentage from 6.52% to 13.71%

And as reflected on a national level, as well, Podemos; a party that has evolved in only four months from a citizen-protest movement to a fully fledged party, has surprised even themselves with their spectacular success. In Salobreña then went from zero to 6.53% of the votes.

The question is, what will they achieve with a far greater amount of time in the elapse between now and the Municipal, Regional and General Elections?

A point for consideration is, when the more personal, face-to-face, Local Elections come around, will their “radical” left-wing posture be shunned or will traditional PP and PSOE voters be scared into taking a more tradition line?

(News: Salobrena, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)


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