Military Helicopter Lost

SPN Super Puma OnLFive service personnel were aboard a Spanish Air Force helicopter that crashed into the sea just off the Canary Islands.

The Super Puma helicopter, which belonged to the SAR, or Servicio Aéreo de Rescate (air-sea rescue), came down 25 nautical miles to the south east of Fuerteventura.

The accident occurred after dark on the 19th at 21.55h while the helicopter was taking part in rescue training manoeuvres.

The helicopter had a crew of five but only one was rescued from the sea, Sergeant Johnander Ojeda Alemán – the others are feared to have become trapped in the aircraft, which rests on the seabed 2,000 metres below.

One of the crew members was 36-year-old, Lieutenant Carmina Ortega Cortés from Pinos Puentes in the province of Granada.

The other missing members are Captain Daniel Pena Valiño from Vitoria, Lieutenant Sebastián Ruiz Galván from Cádiz and Sergeant Carlos Caramanzana Álvarez from Valladolid.

(News: Canary Islands, Spain)

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