The Guardia Civil will be selling off a sizable amount of firearms from between 10 euros and 6,000 euros a piece.
The Guardia Civil HQ in Granada on Calle Pedro Machuca in Almanjáyar will be selling 677 shotguns, 159 pistols, 183 revolvers, 67 carbines and 16 rifles at an auction on the 17th of March, but you will be able to view them prior to this between the 10th and 14th of March.
A good number of those pistols (124) used to belong to the Granada, Policía Local, who have since received more modern firearms – quite what they need them for, is another story.
The majority of these weapons come from gun owners whose licence has expired and who either do not wish to renew their licence or are unable to.
So a great opportunity for hunters, gun enthusiasts and mass murderers (just joking) to obtain weapons… as long as they have the necessary firearm licence, that is.
Here’s the original notice on the Guardia Civil official website: A las 09:00 horas del día 17 de marzo de 2014, se procederá por el sistema de “pliego cerrado” a la subasta de 1.130 Armas en el acuartelamiento de la Comandancia de de la Guardia Civil, situada en Granada, calle Pedro Machuca, números 4 y 6.
Las armas a subastar estarán expuestas al público en dicho Acuartelamiento los días 10, 11, 12, 13 y 14 de marzo de 2014, de 09:00 a 13:00 horas, donde se facilitará a los interesados en participar en la misma los impresos y pliego de condiciones.
(News: Metropolitan Area, Granada, Andalucia