The Almuñécar Board of Sports has planned a hike around Padul/Dúrcal for this Sunday, the 23rd.
It should be pretty interesting as it takes in quite a lot of history; both recent; Industrial Revolution and Romano-Iberian – and even Ice Age.
“The route has very little gradient, so we won’t be slogging uphill or stumbling down them, which means any nature lover can walk it,” explained the walk organizes and guides, Enrique Garín and Francisco Novo.
Quite apart from visiting the peat areas where the Mammoth remains were discovered, or the now petrified cart ruts from the times of the Romans, there is also the metal railway bridge that was built by the same team that erected the Eiffel Tower.
Binoculars are recommended because there will be plenty of wildlife along the way, so don’t miss it and get your name down before another days goes past!
PS: Don’t be put off by the photo; its from a different excursion when various excursionist perished from exhaustion…
(News: Padul/Durcal/Almuñecar, Granada, Andalucia)