The ringing of hands at the Almuñécar Town Hall by the Mayor regarding the costs of repairs at the urbanisation Carmenes del Mar ignores the money spent over the last two years at the urbanisation Alfamar on the Almunecar/Salobrena N340. It has to be said the two urbanisations cannot be compared in terms of what the Alfamar work is achieving in maintaining traffic flow along the coast. But somewhere the money was found and the work is almost completed.
Just because the problem at Carmenes is only affecting the local inhabitants the feeling is that the problem will not be addressed at any time in the foreseeable future. At a meeting I attended it was said that the University of Granada carried out a geological survey and now we hear the Town Hall “supposedly” carried out a similar study before issuing a building licence! Would such a licence not carry some indication as to the feasibility or otherwise of building in a designated area?
As a surveyor I remember it was always a requirement to have in place liability insurance. This was to cover unforeseen problems that might arise following any survey work you carried out however large or small the job. That may or may not be a requirement in Spain. But what of the builders? Did they not have a duty of care in their site surveys to ensure that what was being built was on safe ground?
The “buck” is going round in circles and somewhere the money has to be found to put this matter right. There are pockets out there with the money that are liable and that is where the money has to come from.
Ernest Bultitude
Las Terrazas de Carmenese del Mar.
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