The Three Kings weren’t short of company as 3,000 villagers turned out to follow the parade, but before they did the circuit, they shot off over to Hospital Santa Ana to shower the younger patients with presents.
Once back in Salobreña, the 7-float parade set off from El Peñon at half six in the evening to wend its way through the village’s main thoroughfares, peppering the unwary with 1,600 kilos of sweets.
When the parade arrived in the Plaza Juan Carlos I, the Mayor, Gonzalo Fernández Pulido, took a leaf out of Carlos Rojas’ book and was photographed with Their Majesties, as he handed over the Key to Salobreña so that the Kings could have access to all the homes of the children in Salobreña, Lobres and La Caleta-La Guardia.
(News: Salobrena, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)