Tag Archive for ikea

Ikea in Nevada

Fans of this Swedish, home-product company will not have to travel to Málaga because its branch in the Nevada shopping centre in Granada opens this month.

Ikea for Nevada?

For a long time the idea of an Ikea branch in Granada has been dead in the water, seemingly, however, it’s not flat lining because there’s hope.

Ikea in Motril?

Upon hearing that Ikea would not be setting up shop – literally – in Pullianas, the Mayor of Motril has offered a plot within the municipality.

Ikea in Granada

The latest date given by this Swedish furniture giant for the opening of the Granada branch in Pulianas is summer 2013, according to the mayor of the town.

Ikea Granada 2012

Great news! Ikea should be opening its doors in Granada (Puliana) at the beginning of next year, just in time for the end of the world, according to the Mayan calendar!