With the pandemic in full swing, doctor appointments with your GP were suspended, however it has just been announced that they will recommence.
Tag Archive for GP
Here We Go Again
by Axel E. Thieke G.P. •
The new year and a good old cold… We hope you have recovered enough from welcoming this new and unique 2016 – let it be a healthy, happy and successful one. Be aware that it’s not the stars but the mind which determines this. And the mind needs – Sleep! Previous research has suggested that…
Progress In The Slow Lane
by Wolfgang K Piller MD •
In March 2014 the U.S. Prevention Services Task Force presented its update on “Screening for Cognitive Impairment in Older Adults,” meaning more than 65 years of age.
Philippines… Forgotten People, Forgotten Illnesses.
by Wolfgang K Piller MD •
Philippines… forgotten people, forgotten illnesses. Support “German Doctors”
Like a Thriller
by Wolfgang K Piller MD •
Like a thriller… that is the study of the “European Society of Hypertension recommendations for conventional, ambulatory and home blood pressure measurement.” Over 28 densely packed pages you get comprehensive information about the pros, cons, pitfalls and considerations of when, how to take and how to interpret blood pressure (BP). And the DIY chartrooms are like a horror story concerning health (here blood pressure) issues; they truly are the stronghold of incompetence and a malicious endangerment of the help seeker´s health.
Pro-Probiotics – Anti-Antibiotics
by Axel E. Thieke G.P. •
Bacteria had to compete with a standard antibiotic for the best treatment option of repeated urinary tract infections (UTI).Bacteria had to compete with a standard antibiotic for the best treatment option of repeated urinary tract infections (UTI).
Dutch researchers conducted a randomized placebo-controlled trial that involved 250 postmenopausal women (an age group at higher risk) with histories of at least three UTIs in the previous year. The women received either a standard dose of the antibiotic Trimethprim-Sulfamethoxazole once at night time or a standard dose of Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Lactobacillus reuteri twice daily.
Dutch researchers conducted a randomized placebo-controlled trial that involved 250 postmenopausal women (an age group at higher risk) with histories of at least three UTIs in the previous year. The women received either a standard dose of the antibiotic Trimethprim-Sulfamethoxazole once at night time or a standard dose of Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Lactobacillus reuteri twice daily.
Anxiety Sells
by Axel E. Thieke G.P. •
Maybe some can remember (can I ?) the bird and swine-flu hype which made governments spend trillions on supposedly anti-viral medicines, which firstly were never needed, which secondly would have never worked because of a lack of efficacy and which thirdly had to be destroyed at more great expense after the date of expiry. The media were happily fueling this hype and created by this a public pressure on governments with the above mentioned consequences – anxiety sells and I think that after shedding some light on dark banking practices the print and visual media do certainly merit the same treat – anxiety sells. Any room for ethics here ?