The Almuñécar fire service was deployed to put out a fire in a bar in Plaza Kelibia Wednesday evening.
A German resident found a body in the chest freezer of the flat that he had just moved into on Playa del Inglés in the Canary Islands.
You expect to find all kinds of ice-creams in the freezer of an ice-cream parlour, but what you don’t expect is the frozen body of a man – however, this was the case in Sevilla.
Obviously, being a farmer in China is not the most exciting job in the world, and for this reason one such farmer, known only as Mr. Li, decided to spice up his life a little bit by pretending that aliens regularly visited his farm.
On the 9th of November, in a house in the nearby town of Pilas, near the City of Sevilla, the tiny corpse of a newly born child was found in a domestic freezer.