We are very proud to have brought together these teachers who have formed a Chamber Orchestra that will be the pride of Granada and our Costa Tropical.
Chiringuito El Peñon in Salobreña will be hosting live music from San Juan onwards (23rd June), during the whole of summer.
The Nerja Caves is offering free admittance to residents of Nerja every Sunday morning of the year. You only have to show a documents that proves that you are a resident: your DNI if you are Spanish or you empadronado certificate if you are a foreigner to enjoy this offer.
The 2010 winner of the Andrés Segovía, classical guitar competition was Emerson Salazar from Chile.
Second Prize went to Gustavo Costa, from Brazil, and Third Prize to Jerzy Chwastyk from Poland.
Listen up once again all you culture vultures, as we pass on the upcoming concerts to be performed by our friends Juventudes Musicales during the month of April.
Although briefly mentioned in the La Herradura section, we feel the 25th anniversary of the Andrés Segovia Classical Guitar Competition at the Centro Civico in La Herradura is definitely worth a mention
25th anniversary of the André Segovia Classical Guitar Competition.