Bus Driver Passes Out

It could have been a tragedy, but a bus driver's skill avoided a far worse outcome.

The woman, who was driving a bus from Cádiz on its way to Sierra Nevada on Friday morning, felt faint when she was driving along Avenida de Andalucía.

Before passing out, she managed to turn off the road and into an ITV courtyard. However, she couldn’t take evasive action to avoid hitting the wall of the building before she blacked out.

An ambulance soon arrived to take her to the Hospital Clinico to be examined and placed under observation.

Five passengers onboard also suffered slight injuries.

(News: City & Metropolitan Area, Granada, Andalucia)

Keywords: Bus, Driver, Passed Out, Collide with a Wall, ITV Courtyard, Hospital Clinico, Avenida de Andalucia

news, andalucia, granada, city & metropolitan area, bus, driver, passed out, collide with a wall, itv courtyard, hospital clinico, avenida de andalucia

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