Almuñécar Town Council approved lowering the Property Tax (IBI) from 1.07% to 0.81%, as well as a new rate for the collection, transport and treatment of refuse.
This has been approved so that “residents do not suffer” an increase in the tax burden, since the reduction in the collection of the IBI will be exactly the same as the amount obtained with the new rate; i.e., one will cancel the other out.

These modifications respond to the new law (Ley 7/2022) requiring municipalities to pay more to have their un-recycled waste processed. This law is imposed by the Central Government obliges all municipalities to implement a specific rate for waste management before April 2025.
Mayor Juan José Ruiz Joya. explained, “This adjustment is the result of consensual and rigorous work. We want the transition to be fair and provide a real benefit for our citizens.”
“Each euro that we are forced to pass on to the residents of Almuñécar and La Herradura in the new Refuse Collection Tax, the Town Hall will compensate with the reduction of the IBI. Thus, we comply with the law without burdening the pockets of families any more,” he went on to explain.
The motion was approved in the last Plenary Meeting of the Town Council and it appears that the opposition parties voted in favour as the Mayor thanked them for their backing.
The new law concerning rubbish recycling was actually handed down by the EU and the Spanish Government complied.
(News: Almunecar, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)
Keywords: IBI, Rubbish Collection, Refuse Recycling
news, andalucia, granada, costa tropical, almunecar, IBI, rubbish collection, refuse recycling