Battered Friars

A middle-aged man attacked four friars in the Monasterio del Santo Espíritu del Monte in Gilet (Valencia) claiming that he was Jesus Christ.

This took place Saturday morning (the 9th) when the alleged aggressor entered the monastery, shouting that he was Jesus and was acting in the name of God, before attacking any monk that he came across with a large stick, one of whom was seriously injured. He then quickly exited the building.

The monastery has seven resident friars and at the time of the attack, they had just had breakfast and had retired to their cells, which is where the aggressor found them after running, screaming, along the corridors.

The last one he came across was Friar Ángel, a large man, who managed to stop the aggressor, which is why the man fled the religious building. All of the friars are middle aged or of advanced age with the one that came of worse being 76-years old. He received serious head injuries and was hospitalised in the ICU. The other friars were aged 57, 66 and 95.

The friars were able to give a description of the attacker: 1.80m in height and aged between 40 and 50. He also had plenty of tattooes and had a heavily wrinkled face.

In the early hours of Sunday the Policía Nacional arrested a 46-year-old drug addict who fitted this description.

(News: Gilet, Valencia)

Keywords: Monastery, Friars, Attacked, Drug Addict, Tattooes, Stick, Arrested, Policia Nacional

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