Dúrcal Feria de Asociaciones

Thirty-seven associations and sports clubs took part in this second edition of the fair, with the park opening at 07.30h, so that the participants could set up their stalls and for the stage to be set up for the musicial events later.

The feria kicked off with Ciclo Turista el Zahor, followed by the Guided Walking Club, El Caballo. This was followed by the inauguration of the stalls and workshop activities organised by the various associations present.

One of the workshops was for making pin badges and keyrings organised by the Casa de la Juventud. Another was a workshop for paininting, glassware and tapestries, orgainised by the Asociación Culturalia and Benito Pintado.

The kids enjoyed the face-painting organised by the Asociación de Ayuda a los Animales, which concluded the morning’s activities

Then in the afternoon, the Internet provider, Guadalinfo Dúrcal organised a robotics workshop. There was also a Creative Writing workshop organised by the Club de Lectura Creativa belonging to the Biblioteca Municipal with the lecture given by Cambalache Grano.

The Teatro Zítora set up a Photocall on their stand and La Asociación de Ayuda a los Animales put on a sort of Cruffs Show.

Another associations with a stall was La Asociación Eco Educativa, Raíces, who gave a chat on babies.

Other associations included: La Sociedad Benéfica La Esperanza, Acoes, La Plataforma del Agua, Cáritas Dúrcal, La Asociación Parroquial Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno and La Asociación de Mujeres Al–Sirat.

There were sports events and popular games, prepared by Running Dúrcal. There were also a 3-aside volley Ball and Basket ball matches put on by the sports clubs, Club de Baloncesto Dúrcal and the Club Deportivo Voleibol.

Of course, there was food at midday with several paella dishes and migas, prepared by La Asociación Evaristo Pérez Carrillo.

As for music and dancing, this was provided by the Banda Amigos de la Música, Dúrcal Baile, El Club Rítmica and Estética Dúrcal and many more.

(News: Durcal, Valle de Lecrin, Granada, Andalucia)

Keywords: Feria de Asociaciones, Sports Clubs, Volley-ball, Basketball, Stalls, Face Painting, Animal Asociacion, Photcall, Creative Writing, Guadalinfo, Parque de la Estación

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