Tighter Smoking Restrictions

The European Commission has asked state members to tighten smoking restrictions already in place, to cover vaping and outside, public areas.

Some of the places that the EC recommends to prohibit smoking are at bus stops, bar & restaurant outdoor terraces and outdoor, public swimming pools, etc.

What the EC has asked for is solely a recommendation and is not binding because public-health matters are strictly the remit of each nation, but it is an indication that Brussels wants to reduce the number of smokers on the continent.

The Plan Europeo Vencer al Cáncer sets out the goal to bring about a generation of non-smokers by 2040 where less than 5% of the population are smokers. At the moment, the percentage stands at 26% of the population.

However, the percentage of young people smoking is higher than the national average and stands at 29% between the ages of 15 and 24.

BIAD Blevin Franks

Each year, 700,000 people lose their lives within the European Union through smoking, and amongst that number thousands are passive smokers.

Here in Spain in April, the Ministry of Public Health and the Regional Governments agreed to put into effect the Plan Integral de Prevención y Control del Tabaquismo 2024-2027. However, the list of where you can and cannot smoke has yet to be agreed upon.

(News: Spain)

Tags: Smoking, Restrictions, Outdoors, Bar Terraces, Bus Stops, Swimming Pools, EC

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