Hunter Killed by Own Gun

A hunter in his late 30s died yesterday after his gun accidentally went off, hitting him in the side – he had been out shooting pigeons.

The 38-year-old victim had been hunting on the border between Guadix and Baza, in the north-east of the province of Granada.

The emergency call centre received an alert at 10.25h to say that a hunter had accidentally shot himself, not far from a restaurant on the GR-711 in an area known as Los Balcones.

An air ambulance was sent to the scene, as well as police units from the Policía Nacional and the Guardia Civil.

The accident was provoked by the man tripping over. His youngest son, who made the call, was with him on this hunting trip

(News: Baza, Altiplano, Granada, Andalucia)

Martin: Well, it obviously wasn’t a 12-bore otherwise he would have blown himself in half, maybe. As you point out, Dids, with a rifle (long gun), how do you shoot yourself in the side? It might not have been him holding the gun at the time when the accident occurred, if you see what I’m getting at.

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