Rescued from A Freezing Pond

A man who had been snowboarding on Sierra Nevada needed rescuing on Tuesday the 13th after he swerved off the slope and fell into a pool of freezing water.

GRA SN Rescued from a Pool of Freezing WaterThe first to come to his aid were his companions but they were unable to fish him out, so they phoned for help. In the end, officers belonging to the Policía Nacional and ski-resort workers rescued him using a rope.

He was given first aid on the spot because he was suffering from – unsurprisingly – hypothermia, before being taken to the resorts own medical facilities.

Editorial comment: as many readers already know, Tuesday the 13th is equivalent to Friday the 13; i.e. a day of exception bad luck. 

Click on this link for video.

(News/Noticias: Sierra Nevada, Granada, Andalucia)

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