1616 Readers’ Circle

Antonio Fuentes, who owns and runs the 1616 Book Shop in Salobreña has plenty of books lined up for his Plan Lector 2024.

SAL 1616 Books 400x250Over the next six months he proposes a monthly read for discussion afterwards in his bookshop. These meet-ups are held on the last Wednesday of each month.

Antonio said that his objective is to promote reading through these get togethers where readers can collectively analyse and give opinions on each book selected, discussing key points in each novel.

Antonio ran the same programme last year and had a very good response.

The first novel is this month and is entitled, La Trenza, by Laetitia Colombani. As for February, it will fall on the 21st of February and the selected work is Seda by Alessandro Barico, followed on the 20th of March the novel is Carta a una Desconocida by Stefan Zweig.

Some of the works chosen are classic plays, such as King Lear by Shakespeare, lined up for the 20th of April.

These readers groups will have no cost but will require putting your name down and committing to attend.

(News/Noticias: Salobrena, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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