It seems that all along the Costa Tropical locals are complaining about the 'sand' being used to regenerate beaches that have suffered from wind & wave erosion.
Take the case of Melicena, which belongs to Sorvilán, where locals have pulled greenhouse debris from the sand dumped on their beach. The ‘sand’ was acquired by Costas from ramblas (natural storm channels that are dry most of the year) in Albuñol.
Naturally, residents of Melicena, who have no desire to see their beaches looking like rubbish dumps, made a formal complaint before the Guardia Civil’s environmental department, Seprona.
Officers went to the beach themselves and noted the presence of agricultural waste amongst the silt that will be used to beef out the beach.
It is not unknown that when there’s a heavy rainfall and the ramblas of Albuñol and Castell de Ferro have water rushing down them like veritable rivers, the beaches next day are strewn with greenhouse plastic that had been unceremoniously dumped in the ramblas whilst nobody was looking.
The maths to calculate how much plastic ends up as refuse is simple: the covering of a greenhouse lasts three years, more or less, and each hectare under plastic uses three tonnes of plastic. Whilst the majority of farmers dispose of this plastic waste correctly, there are those that don’t and it’s these ones that dump their plastic in the ramblas.
So far, the provincial offices for Costas has remained silent on the quality of the silt being used, but then again, we are in the middle of the Día La Cruz fiestas.
(News: Melicena, Sorvilan, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia – Photo: still from Idea video)