Garden Fair & Orange Festival

The Valle de Lecrín had a busy weekend with both a garden fair held in the ground of Alquería de Los Lentos in Nigüelas and the Festival del Naranjo in Melegís.

PP Alqueria de los Lentos GardenFirstly, the beautiful hotel-restaurant, Alquería de Los Lentos in Nigüelas held one of its garden fairs that lasted all day Saturday, with plenty of artisan/handicraft stalls, live music and perfect weather for sitting out in large garden with water features, enjoying a drink with friends.

As they hold these garden fairs quite regularly, it is guaranteed a good turn out.

Secondly, and running from Thursday until today, Melegís held its Orange Festival, which was also packed. Mind you, finding parking was a bit of a challenge, unless you didn’t mind a spot of walking from where you parked to the fair area – most didn’t because one of the biggest attractions in the Valle de Lecrín is precisely the beautiful walks.

The Melegís event was much bigger, taking in two large covered areas – a large warehouse packed with stalls and a pavillion where the live music was held.

GRA Festival Del Naranjo AP23 MelegísInside the warehouse there were stands of all kinds: a local brewery, a beauty salon, local, homemade pastries, a health-insurance company (ASISA) , a local photographer’s (Yann Mercier) stand, cured meats (embutidos), Abuela ILI Chocolates, winery stands, and the AECC amongst others,

(News: Niguelas/Melegis, Valle de Lecrín, Granada, Andalucia)

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