The Almuñécar parish church, through its charity, Cáritas Parroquial, and the collaboration of the Semana Santa brotherhoods, carried out a food collection yesterday.
Volunteers posted at various supermarkets around the town managed to collect between 1,600 and 1,700 kilos of food stuffs, most of which was 900 litres of milk, explained the Cáritas representative, Inmaculada Corral.
“We collected 900 litres of milk and 700 kilos of non-perishable foodstuffs, such as pasta, legumes (pulse: dried beans, lentils, and peas, etc) and rice,” she said.
The collections were carried out in the main supermarkets and self-service shops with the aim of replenishing the food banks for distribution amongst those in need.
The said food shops were: Mercadona (Calle Mariana Pineda (P-4) & San Cristóbal), Lidl, Autoservicio Cala, Supermercado San Pablo and Supermercado Calle Escamado
(News: Almunecar, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)