Dinosaurs in Motril!

Dinosaurs Tour, one of the biggest collection of life-size animated dinosaurs, will be on display in Motril this coming weekend.

MOT Dinosaur Tours 2022The display, which has over 20 pieces, an interactive area and a documentary film covering the latest dinosaur discoveries, will be mounted in the Plaza de Toros, providing some fun for all the family.

The Mayor, Luisa García Chamorro, and the Youth-Department Councillor, Alejandro Vilar, together with the manager of the display, Juan Comín, attended a presentation for the event, which will take place on the 14th and 15th.

Dinosaur Tour Manager, Juan Comín, explained, “the figures on display use the latest animatronic technology,” adding, “spectators can watch a fantastic documentary entitled, Loving Dinosaurs.”

You can obtain entrance tickets at the door on the 14th and 15th or through the displays webpage: www.dinosaurstour.com. starting at ten euros.

(News: Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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