Mare Abandoned in Castell

The Environmental Section of the Guardia Civil (Seprona) is investigating the owner of a mare that was found in a deplorable state in Castell de Ferro.

ECO Abandoned Mare Animal Cruelty FB22The police officers had been inspecting a plastic greenhouse in that municipality when they came across the horse that the owner had allegedly left to die, denying it urgent veterinary attention.

The animal was suffering from advanced cachexia, unable to hardly move owing the its overgrown hooves (chronic laminitis). The officers also saw that it had no food nor water.

There was, howevr, some dried vegetation from the same greenhouse where the horse was being kept, but amongst the leaves were pieces of raffia string, which according to a veterinary surgeon could kill the horse if ingested.

The mare had a microchip so Seprona was able to track down the 47-year-old owner who has been charged with alleged animal cruelty.

(News: Castell de Ferro, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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