Two Drownings in Two Days

There have been three people drowned in the Parque Natural del Cabo de Gata-Níjar in the space of just two days, and a total of three maritime S&R call outs.

AND ANOTHER NIJAR RESCUEThis latest one involved a two-man kayak which capsized off Playa del Arco (Los Escullos). The woman managed to cling to the upturned kayak and was subsequently rescued but the man drifted away and perished.

Salvamento Marítimo and the Guardia Civil began searching in the early hours of Tuesday and ended with G.C. divers operating out of Isleta del Moro locating the body. The victim was taken to San José marina.

The emergency call centre (112) received an alert around 18.00h on the 21st when several eyewitnesses phoned in to say a couple in a double kayak had capsized and was drifting. A S&R helicopter soon located the woman holding onto the hull but the search mission had to continue into the night and early hours of the 22nd.

This was the second time that a body had to be recovered from the sea in the Níjar area – it was on Monday that the rescue services located the bodies of two swimmers who had disappeared on Sunday off Calá Rajá whilst swimming in strong currents.

On the previous day a German man had been swept out to sea on a lilo but was eventually rescued in good health.

(News: Nijar, Poniente, Almeria, Andalucia)

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