Speed Limit Comes into Effect

Today is the day that the new speed-limit law is activated, meaning that in many cases where you could go at 50kph you can only proceed at 30kph.

SPN Speed LimitsTo keep it brief, if you have a street in town with single-lane traffic either way, the maximum speed is 30. Streets in the centre of town where the pavement and the road surface is on the same level, separated by posts, for example, the maximum speed is 20kph.

Where you have double lanes in either direction, the maximum speeds remains at 50 (unless specifically marked other wise). However, if one of the double lanes is reserved for buses and taxis, then it is reduced to 30kph.

That’s it in essence.

The Chairwoman of the Pedestrians assocation, Andando, Sonia Jichi Ribera, said, “straight streets and where drivers tend to put their foot down without really being aware of it. To correct this problem there are techiques such as narrowing the road or speeding limitations marked on the road surface.”

So, starting today, you will get fined for doing more than 30 where previously you could go at 50,

(News: Spain)

  2 comments for “Speed Limit Comes into Effect

  1. May 14, 2021 at 10:02 am

    Tkhurst: It’s simple really: if you’re going through a town or village, even if it is a through road, go at 30. If you’re in a town centre and the pavement is on the same level as the road surface, separated only by bollards, go at 20. Out on the main road, normal speed limits. You won’t be done for going at 30 where you are permitted to do 50, that’s for sure.

  2. Tkhurst
    May 14, 2021 at 9:57 am

    Who in there right mind is going to remember this when driving?

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