The Almuñécar Policía Local knocked up 69 fines during the first half of March, most of which had something to do with the pandemic restrictions.
Amongst the Covid-related ones (53) many were visitors who were found to belong to other provinces of Spain and had arrived in Almuñécar to take up residency in their holiday homes in Velilla and other areas of town.
Eleven fines were for not wearing, or not wearing correctly, masks, explained the Chief of Police, Manuel Ledesma.
He said that there had also been botellones and even house parties, These fining cases in public spaces or in dwellings occurred before the closing time for the hostelry sector had been extended past 18.00h and when the city of Granada and its surrounding townships were still locked down, he added.
Lastly, the police were called out during those two weeks a total number of 147 times; in other words, just over ten times a day.
(News: Almunecar, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)