The Fire House Sniffers

Almuñécar's fire service now have a canine unit trained for locating people under rubble as well as tracking missing persons by helping search parties.

ALM Sniffer Dogs 01The two members of the Unidad Canina de Rescate are Maya, a Parson Russel Terrier, and Zeus, a Belgian Shepherd Malinois.

The Councillor for Citizen Safety, Francisco Robles Rivas, is being eyed warily by the two sniffers in this photo, but I spoke with him afterwards and he assured me that he still has all his fingers.

Actually, about a month back, Paco took part in an exercise where he was buried in rubble, beneath an upturned bath for the dogs to find, so he has had a run in with the dogs before, thinking about it.

Anyway, Councillor Roble explained that the dogs had been ceded by their owners, David Cabrera Jiménez and José Antonio Cabrera Alaminos so that they could be trained and used in this emergency roll.

The local Fire Chief, José Luis Varela, explained that both dogs had been trained using the Arcon Method which teaches the dogs to work independently, which is very effective.

(News: Almunecar, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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