The Unified Police Union (SUP) claims that it received notification that amongst the 21 immigrants brought into Motril Port there was one who tested positive.
That, in itself, is not the problem; the problem is, they point out, that the immigrants arrived on Friday and were housed in the CATE and the results to the mandatory PCRs were known on Saturday but this important detail was not passed on. Action should have been taken that same day, but it wasn’t.
Consequently, the infected man was put in a cell with 15 other immigrants – whether they all shared the same RIB to make the crossing is not known.
As soon as the police in the port were belatedly informed they put this person in holding cells and are now demanding that they carry out testing on all the police staff who have been in contact.
“In effect he has been in contact with other people and with the staff at the centre this weekend,” said the union Spokesperson, adding, “since then the staff have been given PPEs to wear but they are worried they have become infected.”
The Junta had already taken the step even before this incident to carry out PCRs on all new arrivals, but the police union want routine tests on all of its staff, whose number fluctuate between 30 and 40 members.
In the meantime, the Junta, which is responsible for the running of the immigrant centre in the port, has not offered any explanation as to why the test result was not delivered immediately nor has it responded to the request for the staff at the CATE to be regularly tested for Coronavirus using the more effective PCR method.
(News: Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)