Today the centre of Granada is going to be a tractorised hell as hundreds of these vehicles descend on the city to take part in a protest.
Farmers are fuming over how little they get for their crops – sometimes below production costs – and have decided to vent their frustration by manifesting their discontent.
The Civil Governor suggests avoiding using a car if possible because with tractor convoys arriving from several directions you might want to consider turning your car into static accommodation for the duration, if caught up in the jams.
Public transport is not an option either because tractor-bus fights, whilst entertaining, will not produce increased mobility.
So what are we looking at? Between 08.30h until at least 10.00h, two main access points to the city will be affected: the Maracena-Kinépolis roundabout and the one on the Carretera de Málaga, (El Timbre).
From then on expect human sacrifices and 3D insult hurling of the kind that will put into doubt your immediate family’s sexual orientation and propensity towards paid sex.
Once the tractors enter the city they plan to take the following route: Joaquina Eguaras (Delegación de Agricultura), Tete Montoliú, Juan Pablo II, Doctor Olóriz, Avenida de la Constitución, Gran Vía, Reyes Católicos, Puerta Real, Recogidas and Neptuno.
But there are not only lots of lovely tractors entering the city but also 200 buses carrying protestors.
The police, however, will guarantee access to the main hospitals for ambulances.
(News: Metropolitan Area, Granada, Andalucia)