Torre del Mar Projected Pier

AXA Torre del Mar PierTorre del Mar, not content with one of the longest paseos on the Andalusian coastline, now wants a pier.

We’re talking about something five metres wide, nearly 67 metres long, protruding out to sea from the beach. It will be built in the Cala de Morro. There was a project for a smaller jetty there but it was never built.

The pier will have two access points; the upper level accessible via steps and a lower entrance with a ramp that will lead up to the second level. At the end will be a viewing platform, adorned with a large ship propeller.

The project was presented to the Junta in November 2017 and since then the Town Hall has had to carry out modifications to the project so as to be accepted by Costas, explained the Councillor for Beaches, Jesús Pérez Atencia.

So how much will it cost? The initial budget is 426,000 euros, which will be put up by the Town Hall.

Editorial comment: many will remember that La Herradura had a pier made of solid teak piles that was quite impressive, although somewhat out of place in the Mediterranean. It was finally taken down, amongst other reasons, because of this.

(News: Torre del Mar, Axarquia, Costa del Sol, Malaga, Andalucia)

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