Jete Barranco Fire

ALM Jete Gasolinera FireFire personnel from Almuñécar and two Infoca units tackled a mountain-brush fire on the Jete road just beyond the gasolinera heading north.

The fire, which broke out not long before 16.00h on Monday, consumed two hectares at the bottom end of the Barranco de Gelibra, not far from the Virgen del Agua. It was finally declared out at 21.00h, more or less.

The fire engines, after using up the water they carried, filled up from nearby albercas (irrigation-water tanks).

The Almuñécar Bomberos remind locals that as from the 1st of May you can’t light fires without authorization and you won’t get that for a BBQ until after the autumn rains..

Editorial comment: in fact, if you want to make a bonfire on your land up in the hills, even during the winter, you need to get permission via your town hall.

(News: Almunecar, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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