Police Patrol Ambushed

GRA Pinos PuenteThe Granada town of Pinos Puente can be a bit ‘apache territory’ sometimes, especially for the Policia Local, who don’t get the same sort of respect as the Guardia Civil…

What happened a week ago is a case in point: it was in the early hours of last Sunday when the Policía Local were called out to Calle Capitán Casado, which is next to the bridge at the entrance to the town – they had been called out because there was a car with its windows smashed, parked in the middle of the bridge.

It was when the policemen were inspecting the car, at around 4am, that they started to hear laughs coming from a group of youths – whilst one of the youths urged the police to “put their shoulders into it and push the car.”

The police, having completed the inspection and ignoring the gibes, began to move off but the gibes turned into insults, so the police got out of the car to confront them.

The youths retreated to a safe distance and began to throw stones, some of them impacting against the vehicle. But that’s not all because another group of youths gathered at the other end of the street and began throwing stones, too.

At this point the police decided to get out of there and go straight to the Guardia Civil and report the incident; i.e., the police you don’t mess with.

(News: Pinos Puente, Vega de Granada, Granada, Andalucia)

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