From Dump to Park

MOT Football Roadworks OnLThe street work near the Hermanos Callejón football ground in Barrio del Cerillo in Motril is motoring ahead.

The funds for this work, comprising of pavements and green areas, as well as two petanca courts, come from the PFEA; i.e., rural employment funds from the Junta de Andalucia. New street lighting is also being put in place.

The area were all this work is going on has been an unofficial dumping ground to date, so this is certainly an improvement.

“The locals will now have a leisure spot,” explained the Councillor for Public Works.

The outstanding work still left to be completed is the street lighting, comprising of six lampposts along a footpath, park benches and litter bins.

Work is expected to conclude just before Semana Santa.

(News: Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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