Along the Fish Route

ALM Camino de Pescao OnLThe Almuñécar Sports Board organized and carried out the second trekking event along the Camino del Pescao – most of it runs along the Carretera de la Cabra once you reach the top.

This venerable way was the route taken by fishmongers from the coast up to the city of Granada.

The trek’s guide, Enrique Garín, was a happy bunny with the weather, as were the 17 walkers – a little mist to begin with but after than just the right temperature for slogging.

They stopped for a packed lunch at the old, abandoned military camp – not exactly fond memories for those that served there as it was a boot camp, or basic-training camp, if you prefer.

It is only a kilometre or two from there to the Venta del Fraile, which was where they took a very old trackway.

Anyway, the next hiking expedition is planned for the 20th of this month; the last one for 2015

More info on that when it becomes available.

(News: Almunecar, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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