School Truancy Leads to Prison

A judge in Valencia has given a suspended sentence of three months’ imprisonment each to two parents for permitting their children’s repeated school truancy.

The two children, both aged 13 missed 99 and 86 days from the 2011-2012 school course without any explanation; i.e., a note from the parents giving the reason for their children’s absence on a given day.

The following school year the absences continued, despite the parents being summoned by Social Services, where they were informed of the obligatory nature of school attendance for minors.

The parents, both Romanians, were consequently sentenced to pay the court costs, as well as the three months suspended sentence, which, by the way, means that if the kids continue to miss classes, the suspended sentence will become an actual prison sentence.

In the meantime, the Secretary General of the ETE-UGT national workers’ union, Cárlos López Cortinas,has suggested that the school leaving age be raised to 18 years old…

(News: Valencia, Spain)

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