Mayor on Treasurer’s Report

ALM Mayor Almuñécar OnLThe Mayor of Almuñécar didn’t wait long to respond to the accusations contained in the Municipal Treasurer’s report, which we covered in a previous article.

She said that as part of her “obligation to keep the Almuñequeros informed” she is responding with a view to “avoiding political profit on information that does not reflect things with accuracy.”

She says that the system for managing income through the municipal treasury has not been altered “one iota” in the last 20 years.

The system, “which could be improved,” has been validated by regional and state organs and none of the previous treasurers have observed the slightest lack of control.

She points out that the Town Hall has recently set about adopting better control measures in some facilities (Board of Sport & the Aquarium), whilst maintaining an entrance-ticket system controlled by “specialized personnel.”

The only installations where an entrance ticket is not required is Peña Escrita, because it sits within Public Domain land. Concerning this last location, she said, the previous Mayor might like to explain how his administration did charge entrance fees.

Sra Trinidad Herrera went on to explain that the problem lies with cultural activities and that her team is “placing the necessary mechanisms” to discover to what extent the problem covers.

Lastly she reassured Almuñequeros that she would demand [the accountability] right down to the last cent of tax-payers money.

However, she implied that the treasurer’s report could be allegedly “manipulated.”

(News: Almunecar, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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