Ron Montero Guided Tours

Rum Montero barrels OnLBodega Ron Montero (distillery) is open for midday, guided visits from Tuesday to Saturday, which are totally free.

Ron Montero is a huge chunk of local history and the distillery is well worth a visit. Carmen will explain the history of the company and lead you through the different stages of the rum-making process: the aging process, the distillation process, the bottling process; you name it.

You can also enjoy a guided tour outside the above times or organise group visits by phoning 629 223 428 or email

How to find them: at the Granada junction on the N-340, take the port road. You can’t miss it as it is about half way down that road on the right.

For more information, see our extensive article on Bodega Ron Montero on our website or visit their own one at

(News/Activities: Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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