The Junta de Andalucia has been in Almuñécar pushing their Summer Campaign against eating immature fish.
Down on the Puerta del Mar beach in Almuñécar you can see their ‘tent’ which is full of information and leaflets. This is the first “stop” during the “Summer Campaign of 2014”,
The campaign, which was awarded to the company Aula del Mar Malaga will be demonstrating all the naughty, baby things that people catch, cook and eat, and will be visiting several coastal locations in our area, its aims are to push for “a series of actions to inform consumers about fishermen and seafood, and the effects on the same due to tourism in general, with clear and useful information about aspects concerning the commercial activities of the Andalusian fishing industry. ”
The information tent type thing was erected today (Wednesday) on Puerta del Mar. On the 11th August the campaign moves to the beach in the bay at La Herradura; on 14 August, it will be starring on Velilla beach back in Almuñécar and finally at the San Cristobal beach.
In all cases the the information tent/booth/stall/thingy will be open in the mornings.