University Corpse Scandal

SPN University ScandalMany people donate their bodies to medical science as an alternative burial arrangement – however, the numbers of those that do might well plummet.

The Medical Faculty of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid has accepted cadavers from families as a source of training material for student doctors for many, many years but after a gruesome discovery many donors might now think twice.

Dozens of rotting bodies were discovered in storage, unmarked and heaped together in a scene reminiscent of the holocaust images. The images, once published by the national daily, El Mundo, shocked the nation.

The families of donors were promised that the remains of their loved ones would be treated with dignity, a dignity that was very obviously absent, judging by reports.

Then things got worse because the Guardia Civil intercepted a van carrying blue-plastic barrels containing a jumbled assortment of body parts at a specialised, waste-removal company’s compound. Consequently, the police have reported an alleged case of document forgery carried out by the University, because the method used for the disposal of these body part should only be for chemical and biological waste (residual management type 6) and not human remains.

The University Rector, José Carrillo, immediately opened an investigation into the ex-head of the Anatomy Department II, José Ramón Mérida, for allegedly not suspending the elimination of cadavers when the order to do so was made by government work inspectors once the controversy came to light.

(News: Spain)

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