Need to Renew your British Passport? Go online!
Passport applications for Britons resident overseas must now be made via the GOV.UK website.
All British residents living in Spain must now make their passport applications online at
The new passport process, which is part of a worldwide change-over, helps to reduce the possibility of making errors that can delay applications.
Applicants will find that the new process, which includes online payment, generates a personalised pack that must be printed, signed and sent with photographs and any additional documentation that may be required to the Passport Office in the UK – and no longer to a British Consulate or Embassy.
Once an application has been submitted, applicants will receive instructions on how to track its progress via the website.
It is important to apply in good time as a new passport will take at least four weeks from the time the completed application pack is received by the Passport Office in the UK, or six weeks if replacing a lost or stolen passport.
“Don’t leave it until the last minute to apply for your passport,” advises Will Middleton, Consular Regional Director for Spain. “You can apply up to nine months in advance and any unexpired time will be added to your new passport.”
Applicants who cannot access the online system or who experience any difficulties should contact the Passport Advice Line on +44 300 222 0000.
Important Announcement from the Department of Health
The Department of Health has announced two changes to healthcare in Spain, affecting both early retirees and visitors from 1st July 2014.
From 1st July 2014 early retirees will no longer be able to apply for a residual S1 form to cover them for healthcare when they move abroad to another EEA country. These changes only affect new applications received on or after 1st July. They do not affect those who already have an S1 form, nor State Pensioners who are entitled to cover under the European Regulations.
For further information please visit
There are also changes regarding visitors. From 1st July, the UK will cease to reimburse co-payments, made during a temporary visit from the UK to another EEA country. A co-payment is when you visit another EEA country where that country requires its own citizens to pay a patient contribution, visitors pay the same charge.
An example of this in Spain is the 10% charge applied to pensioners for prescriptions. From July 1st 2014 you will no longer be able to claim a reimbursement of these co-payments from the UK, for treatment received after that date.
For further information please visit
Both these measures bring the UK into line with the rest of Europe and are expected to save the UK around £7 million a year.
The Royal British Legion – How to Contact Us
It is now easier for our beneficiaries and members to access advice and support when they need it.
Our telephone helpline in the UK is now open to everyone, 8am – 8pm (BST) 7 days a week. Call 0808 802 8080 (free from UK landlines and main mobile networks) and from over-seas: +44 (0)20 3376 8080 (full rate)
You can also email us or use our online knowledge base to find the information you need.
Online Knowledge base:
Live Chat – you can also chat live to a member of the support team by going to the website: Chat support is available Monday – Sun-day: 8am – 8pm BST.
Welfare enquires can also be directed to, Donna Wilson, Country Welfare Officer in Spain, Monday to Friday 8am to 4pm. Tel: 902 109 356 (option 6) or 690 144 603.
Information regarding the Legion branches and contacts in your particular area of Spain is also available on the following websites: www:// or www:// by Europa Network.
Need Help Finding a Lost Pension?
If so the Pension Tracing Service may be able to help. The Pension Tracing Service is a free service and can help you trace a pension that you’ve lost track of, even if you don’t have the contact details of the provider.
You can contact the Pension tracing service: online at; by phone on 0845 6002 537; from outside the UK: +44 (0)191 215 4491; textphone: 0845 3000 169 Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm (GMT); or by post to: The Pension Service 9 Mail Handling Site A Wolverhampton WV98 1LU
All you need to know is the name of your previous employer or pension scheme. But if you can, collect as much information as you can find about the employer such as any previous names it had; the type of business it ran; whether it changed address and when you be-longed to the scheme.
The Pension Tracing Service will give you the address of your scheme provider if they can find your pension. It’s then up to you to make any further enquiries.
A Problem Shared
Sometimes even the best planned things just don’t work out, no matter how well you prepare for your life in Spain.
Sally’s experience is an example:
“We planned our retirement to Spain very carefully, taking all the right legal advice. We had small pensions, enough to get by on, we were fit and healthy and for the first few years we had a wonderful life.
Then Robert became ill, there was nothing that could be done, and he died. I was alone. I had to suddenly learn to do everything – manage the funeral arrangements, sort out our property and finances – everything was a challenge – at a time when I was dealing with the shock of losing Robert. I spoke a little Spanish, but not enough. It was an horrendous time.”
Sally contacted the Age Concern INFO-LINE. We helped Sally with information on the things she needed to do and put her in touch with her local Age Concern for local information and support. “It was a lifeline – just that little bit of support helped me through a really traumatic and lonely time.”
Got a problem? Age Concern’s INFO-LINE is here to help point you in the right direction.
You can contact INFOLINE via email to or phone us on 902 00 38 38 (lines are open 10am – 11am weekdays).
Age Concern is here to help you make the most of life. Whether it is information about activities available in your area or a question about care or money issues, Age Concern España is here for you. And if you want to use your time to help, what better way to meet new people and use your skills, than joining us. See our website for the contact details of Age Concern España local organisations (
(News/British Embassy)