Get Well Videos

As Dave explained in the February Gazette, my wife, Mari Jose was taken to hospital on the 7th of January and has since undergone two major brain operations. Many people that know her have thoughtfully participated in short videos, sending her their get-well messages, which can be viewed below.

There are perhaps many other people, dear to our readers, that are going through similar situations, and we would be more than willing to find space for such video “get-well” messages, here on our website, where they can be viewed by family and friends, as well as the person concerned.

Most people now possess a smartphones or digital cameras, so it only a case of somebody making a short recording, uploading it onto youtube and sending us the link, together will details and a short get-well message.

If people do respond and send us links to their videos for sick friends, than I shall open up a separate section on our webpage called, for example, Gaz Get Well, or something along those lines, where they can be viewed.

Anyway, a big thanks to everybody who has stopped me in the streets or phoned, enquiring after Mari’s health and for taking part in this video collection for Mari.


Nacho & Crew, Rest Arbol Blanco

Oscar, Café Bizarro

Fale, Supermercado

Eladio & Eladio, Rest Los Geraneous

Inma Contreras

Mari Cacin, LH Asesores

Our postwoman

Chambel (Jose, Dani & Pepe)

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