After suffering two major fires in one month, the Motril Town Hall has issued an edict obligating landowners to maintain their property. Two pieces of overgrown wasteland were destroyed by fire during November, putting adjacent property and people’s lives at risk.
Together with the obligation to keep such land clear of weeds and rubbish, Motril residents can face a fine of 45,000 euros for starting unauthorized bonfires.
Mayor Luisa Garcia Chamorro, reminded owners of urban plots and rural wasteland that it is they who will be held responsible should a fire breakout on their land, owing to accumulated dry weeds or other combustible material. She also reminded landowners that an authorized bonfire on their property, even if it was done without their knowledge and consent, is their responsibility.
Fines for noncompliance range from 901 euros to 45,000 euros.
If a landowner receives notification that his property must be cleared up and he neglects to do so, the Town Hall will carry out the task and charge them for it.
(News: Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)