Super Selfie

This is where we split our readers… by the use of the word ‘selfie’.  A great many of you will know exactly what the word means, whilst others will be completely confused.WLD Selfie Leaders

Well, a ‘selfie’ is a self-portrait image, taken on a mobile phone. “Ridiculous!” I hear you cry, but the word is now in such common, daily use that the British Oxford Dictionary has included it amongst it’s hallowed pages, even giving it the accolade of 2013 word of the year! So there!

Back to the reason for this article, which is that the ultimate ‘super selfie’ must be the one taken at Nelson Mandela’s memorial service. The people all smiling into the mobile phone camera are U.S. President Barack Obama, British Prime Minister David Cameron and Danish Prime Minister, Hell Thorning-Schmidt.

As soon as the image hit the internet, social networks were buzzing with the news of possibly the most important Selfie of 2013! Whereas, others noted the obvious look of displeasure worn by the First Lady, Michelle Obama, who some believe, thought the picture was just a bit too friendly for her liking, especially between her husband and the Danish Prime Minister!

So, why is the only news about the death of Nelson Mandela in the Gazette about three world leaders, larking around at his memorial service? Because this simple act of fun says everything… it doesn’t matter about colour, religion or nationality, if we can’t at least talk and try to get along, we are all doomed. without Mr. Mandela, the playful image would not exist, for without him, the man on the right of the image would almost certainly not be there.

Go on, take a selfie and remember the late and truly great Mr. Nelson Mandela.

(News: World)

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