The toll price on the motorway (autopista) between Málaga and Las Pedrizas has dropped from €3.20 to €1.90 because there were not enough users.
This ‘special campaign,’ which offers even cheaper prices for telepeaje users, dropping to €1,60, will run from the 8th of April to the 30th of May. The object of the campaign, apart from getting people to use it, is to “make the AP-46 known to the general public.”
At the moment this ‘fast route’ out of Málaga city has around 9,000 users per year on average, which is well below the 15,000 users foreseen when it was built. The company that runs the toll road thinks that the situation is “reasonable” considering the state of the economy.
“We’ve carried out polls that highlight the general opinion that the toll prices dissuade possible users, so now we want to transmit the message that it is much cheaper to use the motorway than the [conventional] road. On the motorway, you spend it on the toll, but on the Las Pedrizas road you spend 1.50 euros per litre,” explained a company official. He also pointed out that the motorway is more direct with smaller gradients and fewer bends, as well a being safer and quicker.
There you go, you see; every cloud has a silver lining, even though lately they have had dark-grey ones, soggy ones.
(News: Malaga, Andalucia)