Vote Donkey!

We love a good animal story here at the Seaside Gazette, and it doesn’t come more bizarre than in Quito, Ecuador, where a donkey has attempted to put himself up for election to the legislature.

The donkey, appropriately called Mr. Burro (Mr. Donkey), donned a tie, put his best hoof forward and marched towards the council offices, along with 40 or so supporters. However, despite showing his registration card, with a photo of him in a business suit, he was refused entry to the building. There is even some suggestion that the registration card may be a forgery.

Mr. Donkey’s main supporter, Daniel Molina, spoke with the media and explained that the aim was to draw voters’ attention to just how serious the elections in February are. He claimed there was never any intention to insult the office or any particular party.

Mr. Donkey later removed his tie and went back to his field. One reporter did ask if he would consider standing a general election in the future, to which he replied,  “neigh.”


(news, world, Ecuador, donkey, election, candidate)