The Evicted and Fallen

A 56-year-old man, who had been evicted from his 4th-storey flat for non-payment of rent, fell to his death after he tried to regain access via an patio window.

Enrique C.O. had been evicted from his home on Gran Via 26 six weeks earlier, after having lived there for many years with his mother, but when she died, he was told that he had to go because he couldn’t pay the rent by himself.

Nobody knows why he tried to get back into the flat in the early hours of one Thursday morning, but when he misjudged the leap from the stairway window to one of the apartment’s windows, it became irrelevant because the 12-metre fall killed him instantly.

Enrique had managed to enter the flat before, after locking himself out by accident, but that was before an illness that left him with deteriorated health and a limp. Enrique was in no condition to repeat the feat, but he tried and it cost him his life.

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