Tag Archive for trek

The IV Mountain Trek, Costa Tropical

Sunday the 29th saw the IV Travesia Popular de Montaña Costa Tropical taking place in the Sierra de Molvízar. Over 100 trekkers participated in this day out, which was organized by the Club El Sendero de Motril.

La Herradura Riding

Trying to think of a top present for someone? Something a bit different than the usual perfume, pants or chocs? How about some riding lessons, with the lovely Karen at La Herradura Riding Centre where you can see the Spanish countryside as it should be seen.

La Herradura Riding

If you’re struggling to think of something to do during your stay in our area, why not phone Karen at the La Herradura Riding Centre, and book either a riding lesson or even better, a few hours in the saddle.
What better way of seeing our beautiful area, with rides through rivers, beaches and mountains, and you even get to stop for drinks, and what Karen doesn’t know about trekking in this area, isn’t worth knowing anyway.

High Horse!

Don’t you just love this time of year? The weather is just great, but the influx of tourists is still a little way off and, during the week especially, the beaches, bars and walks are still relatively quiet.
So, why not take advantage of the weather and lack of crowds and get yourself astride a beautiful horse! Just give Karen a ring at The La Herradura Riding Centre, and whether you’re a beginner or an experienced horse person, you can get yourself out and about in the most beautiful of countryside to be found in our area.