Pablo Garcia Rivas was sent down for 1,721 years for 80 counts of rape, but only ended up doing 17 years before being released – now he’s behind bars again.
Tag Archive for rape
Blind Justice
by Hugh MacArthur •
A man was convicted of sexual abuse thanks to the evidence given by a blind man, who spoke little if no Spanish.
Acquitted of Raping Prostitute
by Martin Myall •
The Granada provincial law court has acquitted a man of the charge of rape, but found him guilty of theft. The victim was a prostitute.
Spain’s New Abortion Laws
by Hugh MacArthur •
The Government is pushing through, with only its own party’s votes in favour, the new controversial draft bill on abortion, throwing the country back 30 years. There will be no abortion other than in cases of rape, mother’s health and fetal deformations.
No Impunity on Internet
by Martin Myall •
The Policia Nacional in Barcelona have arrested a woman for falsely accusing a man of rape, on Youtube.
False Rape Claim
by Martin Myall •
The Policia Nacional have managed to uncover a false, rape claim by an 18-year-old girl in Granada. A passer-by had found her behind a parked car, in front of a high school at 06.45h, last Sunday morning. She told him that she had been beaten and raped. However, when the man went to find her some water, she disappeared, only to report having been raped later directly to the police.