There’s news going around which at first glance appears a bit contradictory concerning the IVA charged on olive oil, speaking of both 4% and also of zero percent.
Tag Archive for olive oil
La Almazara Erilla, Nigüelas
by Rowan Carolan •
The Steady Price Climb
by Hugh MacArthur •
Price Fixing at Supermarkets?
by Martin Myall •
The Spanish consumers rights organisation, FACUA has issued a warning about oil-price scam in supermarkets.
What Is This Biting Lark?
by Martin Myall •
Adulterated Olive Oil Arrests
by Martin Myall •
The Guardia Civil in Murcia carried out three arrests as part of their police operation, Mixta Oleum against adulterated cooking oil.
Help or Hinder
by Martin Myall •
The new law on how oil is presented on restaurant and bar tables is going through after all; not everybody is happy, to put it lightly.
Loja Invades China
by Duncan Inglis •
After invading South Africa, Iran and Israel, Loja is now setting its sights on China, which is accepting the importation of 72 thousand litres of olive oil.