Tag Archive for olive oil

IVA Reduced on Olive Oil

There’s news going around which at first glance appears a bit contradictory concerning the IVA charged on olive oil, speaking of both 4% and also of zero percent.

La Almazara Erilla, Nigüelas

Around 12,000 years ago life was pretty different. Obviously, I can’t speak from personal experience and writing or blogging hadn’t really caught on by then, so it’s difficult to know for sure.

The Steady Price Climb

According to the Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE), the price of olive oil has gone up 176.5% since January 2021; in other words, it has tripled in three years.

Help or Hinder

The new law on how oil is presented on restaurant and bar tables is going through after all; not everybody is happy, to put it lightly.

Loja Invades China

After invading South Africa, Iran and Israel, Loja is now setting its sights on China, which is accepting the importation of 72 thousand litres of olive oil.