Tomorrow, Friday the 16th during the whole of the morning, Avenida Mediterraneo between the tax-rank round about and the Postigo bakery one will be closed to traffic.
My Nicaragua diary is now on sale, but only as an e-book. A good English friend got me to consider the idea of writing a diary and although it is above suspicion of winning the Nobel price for literature, I really enjoyed doing it. Sue Brewer helped me in translating the diary, but to be fair to her, I did not always follow her suggestions.
Whilst Chris Markun is peddling his way across Spain for his cause, Antón Ruiz is busy paddling around the Iberian Peninsula in a canoe… which is a lot of paddling. In fact, it’s 3,450 km.
“Approximately 1.2 billion people in the world live in extreme poverty. Poverty creates ill-health because it forces people to live in environments that make them sick, without decent shelter, clean water or adequate sanitation.” (WHO) This is also the reality in Nicaragua, where I had the opportunity to work in the mountains for six weeks.
Our co-writing Docs support the charity ‘German Doctors for the 3rd World’ www.aerzte3welt.de (English language option exists). Whilst one is keeping the house in order and the people of Almuñécar healthy, the other one will take a rather long coffee break in the hillsides of Northern Nicaragua. Many readers already know about the more eccentric…